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We wish you great holidays and a very happy New Year
Dinora and Luisa



7. Drop all concerns about your reputation.

Your reputation does not reside in you. It is situated in other people’s minds and you have no control over it. If you give a speech for thirty people you will have thirty different images.
To connect with the Source means you must listen to your heart and lead your life based on what your inner voice tells you.
That is your purpose while you are here.



6. Abandon the idea you have of yourself based on your deeds.

It is a rather difficult concept to follow when we are convinced that the person is its achievements. God composes all music, God builds all buildings, God is the Source of all realizations. I can hear egos protesting loudly, but start getting used to this idea: It all emanates from the Source. You and the Source are one! You are not that body, its achievements or its failures. You are an observer. So, observe all around you and be grateful for the accumulated capacities. All credit belongs to the Source which created you and of which you are a materialized part. The least credit you attribute to yourself for your achievements the more you are connected to the Source and the freer you are to achieve, and much more will turn up in your path. When we remain attached to our achievements and we believe that we did it all ourselves, we turn our backs to peace and gratitude to the Source.



5. Stop wanting to have more.

The Mantra of the Ego is “More”. The Ego is never satisfied. Never mind how much it conquers or achieves, Ego always insists it is still not enough. It pushes us to a continuous state of search and it eliminates the possibility of arrival. In truth, we are there already and the manner in which we choose to make use of the present moment is our decision. When you cease the need for more, the things you most desire most come to you. Without the attachment to more it is easier to share with others, as you understand how little you need in order to be satisfied and at peace.
The Universal Source is Happyness itself, it expands and creates new life constantly. It never creates obstacles to its own creations for selfish reasons. It creates and it lets go. When we end the ego’s need to have more we become one with the Source. Observe and appreciate all you receive, remember St Francis of Assisi powerful lesson: “It is giving that you receive”. When we allow abundance to shower us we align with the Source and we allow its flow.



4. Stop feeling that you are Superior.

True nobility is not a matter of being better than others. It is a matter of being better than what we were before. Focus on your own growth, knowing that nobody in this planet is better than anybody else. We all emanate from the same Creative Life Source. We all have the mission of fulfilling our intended essence, and all we need in order to do so is available to us. Unfortunately that will not be possible when we feel superior to others. There is an old but true saying: We are all alike in the eyes of God. Let go of the need to feel superior, understand the presence of God in everyone. Do not judge people on their conquests, image, possessions or any other ego rating. When you project superiority feelings, you get back hostility and bitterness. Those feelings carry you away from the Source. Making a distinction leads to making comparisons, and it is based on seeing the other’s fault, it keeps looking for and exposing all the other’s faults.



3. Let go of wanting to be right.

Ego is the route of many conflicts as it pushes us to judge others to be wrong. When someone is hostile there is a disconnection from the source. The Spirit of Creation is kind, generous, loving and receptive; it is free from anger, bitterness or hard feelings. To stop the need to be right in arguments or relationships is equivalent to saying to our ego: “I will not be your slave, I will be generous, I reject the need to be right.” Give yourself the opportunity to feel great by telling another person that she is right, and thank her for directing you to the true path.
When you stop wanting to be right, you strengthen the connection to the source. But remain alert as the ego is a very determined opponent. I have watched people end lovely relationships just due to their need to be right…When you find yourself in the middle of an argument, ask yourself: do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? If you choose to be happy, loving and spiritually aware, your connection to the source will strengthen and expand. The Universal Source will support you more and more so you can live the Creative life that is intended for you.



2. Stop wanting to always win.

Our ego loves to classify us as either winners or losers. The search for victory is the infallible way to consciously avoid being in tune with intention. Why? Because it is basically impossible to always win. Some people might be faster, luckier, younger, stronger or even cleverer than you, and you will end up feeling insignificant and worthless near them.

Your worth is not measured according to the total sum of your victories. It is one thing to enjoy competition in a world where winning means everything; it is another thing is to identify yourself in your thoughts only with victory. There are no losers in a world where all share the same energy source. We can only say that your performance on a given day was at a certain level compared with that of others. But, everyday is a different day, with other competitors and new situations to be taken into account. You will always continue to be the infinite presence in a body which ages with time. Stop feeling the need to win at all times, do not accept the concept that not to win means to loose. That is the ego! That is an ego fear! If your body is not performing in a winning way, that is not important, do not identify yourself only with the ego. Be an observer, understand and enjoy everything without feeling the need to take the cup. Be at peace, tune in with the energy of intention, unexpectedly and without stress, victories will become a part of your path



By Lucya Janeth Vervloet

These are suggestions on how to overcome and control deep rooted ego pride. It was written with the objective of preventing us from falsely identifying with our naturally proud ego. We are presenting a series of articles detailing this in seven easy steps.

1. Stop feeling easily offended.

Other people’s behaviour is not a good reason to make you feel immobilized and offended. Offense only exists if you let go of your own power and thus feel weak. If you look for situations which bother you, you will certainly find them around every corner. Ego is in charge trying to convince you that the world is all wrong. But it is possible for us to become life observant and tune in with the spirit of creation. We do not connect with our inner power or reach a peaceful state when we feel offended. Be at peace and remember you are part of the Creator, and the Creator is peace. To feel offended generates destructive energy and hurt, it leads to aggression, and ultimately to war.



Not being religious, I have always preferred to use my own words when addressing divinity. Although as a child I was encouraged to memorize most of the usual prayers and to recite them like a parrot, soon this felt very impersonal and I gave it up as a bad job.
It always reminded me of “fast food”…”fast praying”….”ready made”…
Despite that, I can not fail to recognize the beauty and wisdom woven in certain prayers, and I did hold on to some old favourites.
For instance:

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference



I read somewhere: “I am happy purely out of laziness. To be unhappy requires a hell of a lot of an effort”. This is not just a cute sentence but a very deep truth.

Most people work from the concept that to do something well is hard work, to get higher school marks requires more effort and that in order to be happy in life it requires a great struggle.

It is true that to get the best marks at school you need to make an effort. But it is less of an effort than not to learn…

It is true that to do something well you need to make an effort. But it is less of an effort than to something in a shoddy way.

It is true we need to make an effort to be happy. But it is less of an effort than it would take to be unhappy.

Life flows and it has its own logic. We spend more energy trying to block that flow than what we need to spend to just flow with it.

We can think of the tree analogy (eg: a fruit tree). In order to grow and bear fruit this tree needs to make an effort to get its nutrients. If it doesn’t want to grow and bear fruits it will have to make double the effort to block its own nature, suffer by lacking nutrients in order to make itself weak. This means that the tree will have to waste much of its time and energy and go through much suffering all with the purpose of not growing and not bearing fruit…

Similar to what happens with humans. Imagine someone goes into a shop and it is badly attended to. Probably, this person will spend quite sometime thinking about the unpleasant circumstances, creating tension, generating fantasies and feeling irritated. What does this person achieve? Nothing. Is it enjoyable? No

The least effort is in doing things well. The least effort is in developing our capacities and gifts, and above all, to apply minimum effort means to flow in tune with Life



OM is depicted in Sanskrit – the Hindu ancient language.

This symbol when visualized and verbalized brings us the universal energy in its purest form: The union between heavens and earth, harmony between masculine and feminine, active and passive, the polarity that generates perfect equilibrium, of which a good example is nature…

Sit comfortably and visualize OM (you are welcome to use the picture herewith).
Tune in and take a deep breath feeling the air freshness while you breathe in and out. Do this three times.

Go back to breathing normally all the while feeling the air going in and out.

When you feel really relaxed, close your eyes, take a slow deep breath, filling your stomach with air and storing it there, start verbalizing the sound ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm while slowly empting the air from your stomach through your mouth. Stay with the sound until you feel the air is all out.

Repeat this process three times and then slowly and in your own time, open your eyes and feel the lightness of your body and the release of pain and tiredness.



Hello Luisa
Would this Autumn be the right time to initiate a new career?
Thank you

Hi Sherley
Yes, without a doubt.
All the best


Hi Di
Will I meet my next love in 2011?
Thank you very much

Hi Liza
There is a great chance that you do, but it also depends on how soon you heal from your past relationship and manage to overcome your own fears.
Love & Light



Attachments are sources of unavoidable suffering and emotional pain. The more we get attached to situations, things and people the more vulnerable we become.
The essence of life is impermanence, once we want to eternally own that which we love we become lost in illusion.
Meanwhile, very few of us are prepared to exist without attachments.

Experiencing loss is a reminder (often in a painful way) of how much we need to learn to accept this reality.
To accept, means above else, not to resist loss when it does happen.

To develop an inner resistance to loss only prolongs the duration and the depth of the pain and anguish we might be feeling. The sooner we learn to handle acceptance, the sooner we become immune to fear of rejection, fear of lacking and fear of loneliness.

Although this is one of the main learning curves in life, no one teaches us to nurture this attitude of acceptance and detachment. On the contrary we are trained not to share, but to depend on  another as if our own individuality were something devoid of value.

Re-learning to be free and to stop depending on conditions in order to be happy, that is the only sensible life path that enables us to escape once and for all the prison of attachments.



Sit comfortably, slowly breath in and out three times.

Visualise a rose in your hands (any colour).

Visualise your rose in detail, smell its perfume and feel the softness of its petals.

Send a request to the Universe if you want to

Imagine that the colour of this rose is irradiating and filling your heart

Breath deeply and slowly, relax! Try to keep your mind free of thoughts for a few minutes

Visualise your rose floating all the way up to the sky

Make a note of all the feelings and sensations you had during this meditation and repeat anytime you are not feeling so great.

Let’s check the colours and their meanings.
The first colour that came into your mind is the one that defines the moment:

Red Rose – You want to live with joy and passion and you probably have a lot of love to give to others even if you are not aware of it. Life awaits you, be strong, be brave and courageous.
You need to let go of fear and be happy. Do not think that the hardships from the past will happen again.
You are afraid of loss and aggression, and this colour will help you to unblock your fears.

White Rose – You need to experience inner peace and let go of old memories. Your heart needs serenity. Promote peace, look for tranquillity. The white colour may mean a very special moment in your life, connected to a change. It is now the time to celebrate the arrival of something important in your life.

Yellow Rose – You are ready to conquer things as you have inner knowledge. Look for answers, trust yourself and allow yourself to feel the joy in your heart.
You might be afraid of being betrayed or maybe just of not having enough courage to face certain difficulties. This colour will help you to get rid of those misgivings. Accept success.

Rose - You have experienced pleasant situations and now you want to share love and generosity with all..
New things might be coming into your life, this colour will bring patience, peace and tranquillity. Moment of gratitude.



Food for thought:

Grass does not make an effort to grow, it just grows
Fish do not try do swim, they just swim
Birds do not try to fly, they just fly
Earth does not try to rotate in its own axle, it just does
Grace is the natural state of a baby
Just as it is natural for the Sun to shine and for the stars to twinkle
Acceptance, responsibility and non-resistance
"Deepak Chopra"



We have decided to post some of the questions we have received and the answers we gave.
The private details like dates and places of birth have been omitted in order to safeguard people’s privacy.

Hi Luisa
I was told in the past that I have suffered two very mild strokes although I wasn’t aware of it. At the time I disregarded it but lately I have been wondering if there was any truth in this and if so if it would have any consequences for my future health.
Could you please clarify this for me?
Thank you
Maria das Dores

Dear Maria das Dores
Yes you have had two very mild strokes. The first at the time of what it seems like a divorce and after that, the second one, at the time when you made a big change in your life.
It happened in order to open the flow to you heart chakra and thus enable you to do a better job when working to help others.
No need to worry about your health in relation to this but it would be ideal if you walk 20 to 30 minutes daily.



I am glad you came this far because that means you have already achieved the first step and you are now ready to deal with your fear.
(I would suggest you deal with one fear at the time and that you take your time, this is an important point, we can never rush through inner work and everyone has its own adequate pace, respect yours).
Our next step is to “make space” for our fear, by accepting it. Say to yourself: I am afraid of …….., so what? That is ok, I am ok with being afraid of ……….. .
By doing that, we become two distinct things, one is we and the other one is our fear. Great!
Next, let’s deal with what has by now become a very real and conscious emotion:
Talk to your fear, remember you are not one anymore, at this stage there are already two of you, so tell it: I know you, I feel you, but I will not give away my power to you, I am in control here. I am going ahead and doing that which I must in spite of you. You may come with me but I am the one in control. Repeat it every time you feel you need to.
Be firm, be persistent and believe in yourself. You will be amazed with the results.
Much later you will realize that these fears, partly your old weak spots, are now the ones which became your greatest strengths.
Be aware that as you conquer one fear, another one will present itself but just like exercising a muscle, it gets easier and easier
Hope to have been of help and I would love to hear of your experiences regarding this. Drop me a line anytime.
Love & Light



I truly believe that the best way of overcoming stress is to face it!
It is advisable to find a therapist who can help you to do so.
Not all therapies follow this methodology to help us face our inner problems, the same ones that lie behind our daily stress, but the CranioSacral Therapy does exactely that. And how does it work?
Guiding you through the messages your body sends you CONSTANTLY!
The messages can be pain, compulsive behavior (like smoking, eating and drinking too much), migraines, insomnia, chronic diseases ...
Just make yourself available to relax and "hear" the message that any parts of your body sends you, especially those who need and require your attention.
And all this happens with the intensity you can give and receive ....

Learn more in the next article: Does CranioSacral Therapy apply to you?

Start listening now ... to your body messages!



Hi there.
So, lets ask ourselves what am I afraid of? I bet your first and immediate answer is either nothing, or not much…Well, stop and think again, take as much time as you need, relax, take slow deep breaths, try to keep your mind serene, keep breathing and allow the answer to slowly surface.
Think back to the various moments in your past where you thought things went wrong and check again which ones went so horribly wrong because you reacted purely out of fear. Clearly this work requires you to be completely honest with yourself so you can identify and allow fear to float into your consciousness.
Do not rush through this, you might have to try it more than once, remember that some fears are old and very well buried in our unconscious minds; you need to be brave and willing to “accept” their existence. Also, it all takes place within you alone, so unless you choose to share your experience with someone else, which you may, it will remain private.
I leave you to practice this till my next article,next week, where I will describe one of many ways of handling the fears you have come up with.
Love & Light



Why are we all so prone to it?
It all starts with a simple fact: we are all born with the seed of fear already. It is part of our human make up and it is necessary to our preservation system. Without it our survival with be at risk. Try and imagine what we, human beings, would get up to without that tiny little seed…..
Fear his healthy! Yes, as strange as it might sound …..Fear is healthy.
Our difficulties start when, unconsciously, we feed and nurture that seed. From being tiny and healthy, it grows like a weed to huge proportions of an amazing power. That is when fear becomes unhealthy, debilitating and even paralyzing. It inhibits us from having happy stable relationships, prevents us from success, from growing and evolving and from living our lives to the fullest.
This is the type of fear which we need to understand, recognise and deal with or it ends up controlling us and our lives.
It is most important that we become aware of our fears before we can start dealing with them. Most of us “carry them around” and are influenced by them without realizing it.
In my nest article we will suggest to you an easy technique which helps us gain awareness and recognise some of these fears.
Love & Light



Stress can be considered a reaction to the pressures of day-to-day.

If a certain level, different for each individual, is exceeded things just go wrong!
Stress can be physical, emotional or mental.
Someone suffering from stress for a prolonged period, will lose its vitality and increase the likelihood of contracting diseases. Boredom, fear and depression will gain ground to settle.
Common symptoms of stress difficulty in sleeping, headaches and migraines, unjustified fears,anxiety, chronic fatigue, stomach pain, digestive problems, colds, outbursts of anger... a long list!
Over time these reactions can affect both the professional and the personal aspects of life.
Now, it's also true that stress is the starter of any positive performance: it increases the adrenaline without which we can not have a performance assertive and successful.
Therefore, it is up to each one of us to define what the optimal level is and to keep stress on the positive side.

If you can not, pelase, ask for help!
And that is the subject of the next article.

Until then keep an eye on adrenaline, do not to let it turn into stress!



1. If you have a Wish List from last month, read it over, to see which came true- then thank the Universe. If it's clear one or two wishes are no closer to coming true, consider revising them. What on your list have you edged closer to?
2. Decide on your Top Ten Wishes or Intentions for the coming four weeks.
3. Be as specific, (and please include World Peace!)
4. Write them down - either on a sheet of paper with a pen, or with coloured pens, pencils and so on. The more energy you invest, the better your results are likely to be.
5. Read them out to the Universe then either bury or burn your list, or set it aside so you can check it this time next month, to see how your wishes worked out.
THIS IS THE CRUCIAL BIT: Really really FEEL how you would/will feel if and when the wishes come true. Hold those feelings.
6. Get on with your week, safe in the knowledge that you've expressed your wishes to the Universe. Do all you can to make them come true.
7. Important: If you wish and wish and wish and your wish doesn't come true and you don't actually even seem to be edging in the right direction, then it's time to contemplate if it's the right thing for you.
-Yasmin Boland-

Herewith the dates of the coming New Moons till the end of 2010 (Northern Hemisphere) (dd/mm)
15/03 – 14/04 – 14/05 – 12/06 – 11/07 – 10/08 – 08/09 – 07/10 – 06/11 – 05/12
Good Luck
Love & Light



The Law of Attraction is said to be one of the cosmic laws governing us humans. It states that what we put out, we get back. Like attracts like. What we expect, turns up. So a negative attitude invites negative events. A positive one, positive events.
It actually says in the Bible (Matthew 21:22) “You can ask for anything, and if you believe you have it, it’s yours”. Long before I heard about The Law Of Attraction, I puzzled over this sentence. Now it all makes sense!
A New Moon wish harnesses this cosmic law. It focuses our intentions, which is the first step to making dreams come true. What’s more, we’re told that when it comes to the Law Of Attraction, it’s vital to focus on what we do want rather than what we don’t, and a New Moon wish list does that.
Remember, when we’re moaning and complaining about life, we’re focusing on what we don’t want – therefore according to the Law Of Attraction theory, the less we complain, the less we have to complain about!
From an astrological point of view, the New Moon is an ideal time to make a wish because the two luminaries – the Sun and Moon - are aligned.
A really important step in making your New Moon wish list is to check in with yourself to see how making the wish makes you feel. If you make the wish with a deep down feeling of defeat, as though you already know this wish is impossible, then you’re in serious trouble!
Your emotional reaction to making the wish shows you how likely it is to come true.
According to the Law of Attraction, if we fear something will never happen, it’s a lot less likely to happen. If you feel hopeful or even confident as you make your wish, your chances are great! And once you have made the wish? Trust that it will come to you, if it’s what’s best for you.
-Yasmin Boland-

Next week we will discuss how to make a New Moon wish
Love & Light



To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,
And dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.

—William Shakespeare , Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

Love & Light



Why so much importance around laughter? Because it is scientifically proven to be the best weapon you have (always at hand and at no cost at all!) against  STRESS! We'll be back to STRESS in the next article.

And back to laughter, "laughter is the best medicine" without a doubt, for example, it stimulates the thymus gland (located in the center of the chest) responsible for the good health of the immune system.
In addition, if you laugh often you become more positive and able to face your problems with lightness.
Laughter helps the heart and energizes the whole body, because when you laugh your breathing becomes deeper,  oxygenating the circulatory and respiratory systems in a much better way.

I could go on ... but I think by now you are convinced  that  laughter is FANTASTIC and NECESSARY!
Therefore, with the Carnival at the door, invite some friends, go dancing and ... LAUGHING!

And I'll do the same!

Next article: Stress: Friend Or Enemy?



This is a little poem I wrote inspired by Luisa´s advice

Dear Lord what shall we do?
Panic takes over
The heart beats fast
Blood rushing
Head pounding
Where can one run to?
Dear Lord what shall we do?

And as He lovingly smiles
His answer promptly arrives
My beloved children
Just laugh and laugh
And it will all come to naught

Love & Light



How do we unconsciously create and build emotional patterns?
Unfortunately it is easy, much easier than getting rid of them. Most are rather old and brought forward from previous lives. In the current life they are triggered by experiences which were planned to happen for that exact purpose, mostly during childhood, in order to enable us to identify and dismantle them.
Let’s suppose that in a previous life, Johnny was abandoned by his parents. To survive the emotional pain and in order to protect himself from feeling abandoned ever again John grows up unconsciously avoiding getting emotionally involved in his relationships.
One way for John to resolve this situation is to be born in circumstances which will trigger this pattern (eg. his parents might die when he is a little boy…). When John, the man, finds that, repeatedly, none of his relationships are working out, he is also likely to realize that he needs to deal with this matter if he ever wants to have a healthy and happy relationship.
There are many different types of patterns, they were all very useful at the time we created them, but once they are over the “use by date”, they become an awful burden.
This is where psychological Astrology is a most valuable instrument, as it enables us to identify and understand these unconscious self defence behaviour patterns, giving us the possibility of doing the necessary inner work to get rid of them and thus achieve personal success.
Love & Light



Some say that laugh is the best medicine.
Some say that laugh is the antidote for sin.

Some say that laugh is a waste of time.
I tell them that laugh is absolutely divine.

In this planet ther are too many serious pelople
That simply can't understand the Cosmic Game.

And some live their lives looking desperately for
what they call the cosmic truth.

But I heard a joke in heaven:
Laugh is the Truth
And Love is the Fun.

Read this poem everyday during the next week and smile until it turns into laugh!
Try it, is a very liberating experience.

Luísa Barreira



What do we call Emotional Patterns?
We call emotional pattern to an emotional “habit” we created in order to protect ourselves or even survive during adverse or painful circumstances. Unfortunately once created, it unconsciously becomes part of us, part of our emotional luggage, and we tend to react accordingly, long past the time it was useful. It stops being an asset and becomes a liability.
We sometimes ask ourselves: Why on earth does this keep happening to me? And why on earth do I always react the same way when this happens? Why do I keep making the same mistake?
When you start asking those questions, just know that you are in the presence of one of your patterns, it is staring you in the face. We all have them, but it might take sometime until we notice; only when confronted repeatedly with the same difficulty does the bell start ringing.
It is at this stage that we become ripe to identify, own and work through these old habits.
Becoming aware and understanding our patterns is halfway to dismantling them.
We will continue on our next article to discuss how do they come about.
Love & Light



After choosing an affirmation, that often includes more then one, begin to repeat it with enthusiasm.

After a few days your enthusiasm seems to fade and ideas like I’m not capable of this or that because of this or that may emerge!
Well, write all the objections you have without changing them. They give us valuable information as they translate our fears which prevent the desired success expressed in our affirmation. Exactly! You may not believe, but these obstacles come directly from our unconscious and are very powerful.
The good news is when we get to know them this is the first step to overcome them... successfully!
Be positive and at the same time honest with yourself: how can you overcome the difficulties you impose to yourself? What strengths do you have to defeat them? Find them because you have all your solutions inside you.
So write what you found on the same sheet of paper where you wrote your objections.
And it’s time to tear the sheet of paper!
Do so everyday until there are no objections left without solutions to overcome them.
Who wants to share with me an affirmation you chose ?
In the meanwhile be happy and laugh (when was the last time you laughed heartily?)

Luísa Barreira

Next article: Let's Learn How To Laugh



The Zodiac Wheel is divided in twelve houses corresponding to the twelve sun signs.
If we think about it, they are always the same houses, the same signs and generally the same planets…(except when new planets are discovered,lol)
The conclusion is rather obvious, all human beings are born with the same seeds, what differentiates them is how and what seeds each one nurtures and grows. Free will!
Everyone is born with the seed of love as well as the seed of hatred, and so on, and on. Astrology advocates reincarnation, and as such, when we are born into the present life we already bring with us many of the seeds we grew in past lives. Some have become beautiful and lovely scented plants or flowers while others are now real weeds.
These weeds are found in all of us without exception, we must kid not ourselves!
By observing the location and the interplay of the planets in the various houses and signs we can establish where the flowers and weeds have taken root, how and in which area they affect our daily lives, and also how to stimulate the flower growth while at the same time getting rid of the biggest possible amount of weeds.
To explore one’s Natal Chart with the intention of learning and growing is an amazing experience.
Any questions you would like to make?
Love & Light



First step - write down a list of positive affirmations you think apllies to you.
You can find good examples of affirmations at page 47 of Louise L. Hay's book already mentioned.

Second step - Choose 1 to 3 affirmations and wrtie them on coloured post-its and place them in places you can see easily.

Then repeat them loudly 3 times each, when you get up, before going to sleep and at any other occasion you feel like saying them.

Last step - put a sample of these affirmations in your success file.

Believe me, this is a very powerful exercise. Repeat it for at least 30 days.

Next article: Find Out How You Block Your Affirmations

Luisa Barreira



“Man know thyself” - Sócrates

How does a Natal Chart work?
One can’t mention too often the principle “as above so below”. If we take a picture of the sky at the exact time a person is born, we obtain a map of the inner realm of that person. Now, imagine you buy a map of a city which you have never been before. You can detect and follow the streets, gardens, bridges etc. But the subtle details, those are known only to those who live there. Example, from the map you can not tell if there is grass or trees, if there are tall buildings or little houses, etc.
So, an Astrologer can easily identify the major points of interest, but it is advisable to have the person involved contribute to achieve best results.
The results one pretends are to lead each person to a deeper awareness of its own capabilities and difficulties, thus helping one to take better advantage of its gifts, and at the same time learn how to deal with its own areas of stress. This is an invaluable tool for self knowledge, helping and guiding one on its path to evolution and to personal success.
It is worth noting that there are many people born at the same time, yet, we are all different….check my next article to find out how and why.
Love & Light