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Stress can be considered a reaction to the pressures of day-to-day.

If a certain level, different for each individual, is exceeded things just go wrong!
Stress can be physical, emotional or mental.
Someone suffering from stress for a prolonged period, will lose its vitality and increase the likelihood of contracting diseases. Boredom, fear and depression will gain ground to settle.
Common symptoms of stress difficulty in sleeping, headaches and migraines, unjustified fears,anxiety, chronic fatigue, stomach pain, digestive problems, colds, outbursts of anger... a long list!
Over time these reactions can affect both the professional and the personal aspects of life.
Now, it's also true that stress is the starter of any positive performance: it increases the adrenaline without which we can not have a performance assertive and successful.
Therefore, it is up to each one of us to define what the optimal level is and to keep stress on the positive side.

If you can not, pelase, ask for help!
And that is the subject of the next article.

Until then keep an eye on adrenaline, do not to let it turn into stress!

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