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Continuing from my last post on “what Astrology is not”, I would like to demystify the idea that planets influence us and/or our life circumstances, a very popular belief.
They do not! Planets do not affect us at all!
Astrology observes planets positions and their interactions, thus interpreting what kind of energy is available to us at a given time.
In order to understand how this works think of the following: When you look at the watch, you can see what the time is, but surely you have no doubts whatsoever about the fact that the watch can not influence time. So, you check, for instance, if it is lunch time or supper time. Then you use your own free will, you might decide although it is lunchtime not to have lunch…! It is your decision, and the worst that can happen is….well, you will get hungry! Lol.
This is a rough and basic example of how Astrology works. If we observe the sky (above) we can tell what is happening in the inner realm of individuals (below), just like the watch pointers, the planets only indicate and reflect what is happening and they have no effect on it.
Next, I will give you an idea how does a Natal Chart work and how it can help us.
I will be very happy to answer any questions you may have. Drop me a line.
Love & Light

4 comentários:

  1. Hi Di
    I love reading your posts. Please carry on, I am learning a lot. Also I must tell you that having my Natal Chart done by you was absolutely wholesome!

  2. You are welcome!
    Love & Light

  3. Hi Dinora you were spot on with your astrology predictions and I will see you soon to do a chart for this new year. A satisfied client.

  4. Thank you. It will be a pleasure to see you again.
