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Have you ever wondered why certain circunstances in your life seem to have a habit of repeating themselves?

 I know I have!

 I remember thinking: why on earth does this keep happening to me? Why me?

 It could be all about love relationships, it could be at work, with family or with friends… it really is annoying, often painful, how last time we thought it was over once and for all, and then…just out of the blue…here we go again….
 I know! I have been there, done that, and got the T shirt to prove it!
 Well, what I have learnt is that until we identify our emotional patterns, until we realize what is engraved in our unconscious mind, either from childhood or from previous lives, or from both, and which gets triggered every time, we will react in the same manner every time that Life presents us with the opportunity of working through it.
 Identify the reason behind the symptom and it is half way to healing it.
 Psychological Astrology does exactly that. If you doubt it, come and try an Astrology reading.

 I can do your reading either in person or through Skype.

 Love & Light



Some of us have been wondering and wishing for a very long time to go for a Tarot reading, but we are very scared of what we might be told. I know so from customers who have arrived for a first reading very agitated and admitted to me that was the reason why.

 Then, on the other hand, there are those of us that go for a reading expecting the reader to have a magic wand that will open all doors and sort out all our problems.

 Well, both these approaches are far from reality and neither applies to a Tarot Reading.

 Although the Tarot does include a predictive facet, no sensible and professional Reader will ever blab stories of death, catastrophe or accidents…so, no need to fear.

 The purpose of a Tarot Reading is to counsel, support and guide, to explore possibilities, options and paths available to us, helping us to avoid pitfalls, to try different approaches to difficulties and make better choices, correct mistakes, whatever we need to do or to stop doing in order to find solutions to overcome our problems in an easier way. Only we, ourselves, can overcome our own challenges, but it sure helps to have the support and guidance of a Tarot reader.

Love & Light