If there is something or someone who really irritates me it is the so common self enlightened and self proclaimed gurus of nowadays. People who go for a few workshops on a few subjects and immediately feel entitled to tell everyone how they should live their lives:
“You must not say that, it is negative. You can not think like that, it is negative. You can not feel that way, oh no, that is negative. Your life is a mess because you are negative. You must keep saying life is beautiful, life is great and all is well.”
For goodness sake, take off the pink glasses!Be genuine and get real!
Yes, we are souls of Light, we are Spirit, but we are “trapped” at this point in time, in a human body! We are meant to feel like a human being! That is one of the many purposes of incarnating in a planet of duality, it is to experience duality, there is no positive without negative, and vice versa, human emotions are no exception. If we were meant to experience only bliss, we would be up there with the Angels!
Indeed we must not loose our connection to the Light, yes we must extract all the positive meaning from any negative situation (there is always a positive side), yes we should not dwell on the negative side any longer than what is healthy, but
we can not deny it.
How can we tell someone who has just lost a loved one, or lost their job, or someone who is ill and has no money to by medicine, someone who has been betrayed or is suffering from a terminal disease, someone who sees their children starving and has no way to feed them:
Oh my dear, you must just think positive, life is great! Do not be negative! You must not think or talk about it, forget it, that breathes negativity! I do not want to listen to your negativity!
Gosh! How idiotic can we all become when our egos delude us in thinking that we know it all! Where is our compassion?
Please, people, let´s all make space in our lives for that which irritates us, let us feel the anger, the pain, the sorrow and sadness when life´s lessons hit us, and then, after feelling and releasing those, yes, we can move on, walk away from them into a better and more positive frame of mind, being able to appreciate love, joy, laughter, peace and bliss. Let’s accept that everyone’s life has rough patches, do our best to cope with these lessons, firmly believing that we can overcome them, and allowing ourselves to reap the benefit of becoming stronger, wiser and better human beings. Let’s not deny our emotions and live a life of hypocrisy, smiling and sweet talking, telling everyone how it all is such bliss, only to later on let all those emotions loose, in the form of wickedness to others.
I have a suggestion to all these “pink glasses” ever so enlightened new gurus:
Why do you not go to India or Africa, where human suffering reaches its heights, spread your message of mixed denial and bliss, and see how it works…
Love & Light