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One way of identifying when this is happening to you, is by being aware of sudden changes in mood or well being, just as you have been in someone else’s company, or in areas where there are a lot of people.
Eg: were you feeling fine, met someone which you greeted with a handshake and suddenly you start feeling a sharp pain in your back? Or, were you in a great mood and all of a sudden, after you had coffee with a friend, you feel depressed?
What can we do in order to get rid of any of these feelings or sensations that are not yours?
I find the easiest way for me is, first to say at least three times, with purpose and determination: I refuse to feel or think any feelings or thoughts which are not mine, then I say a short prayer three times, in my own words, requesting that these feelings and thoughts be removed from my body and aura.
Do that, allow a few minutes to pass, and it will all be gone, trust me!
If the feelings persist, well…then, consider the possibility that you didn’t pick up anything from anybody else, they were yours in the first place!
Love & Light



If you are a sensitive (psychic), and most of us are, we tend to pick up other people’s feelings as we interact with them in the course of our daily lives.
The closer you feel to a person the bigger the probability that you will pick up what they are feeling, also if someone is directing their thoughts or emotions at you, or if you are a very empathetic person who likes helping others, you are very likely to feel what they are feeling.
It has happened to me to catch a bus and as I sat down I started feeling angry and agitated. I became aware that these were feelings belonging to the person who had just vacated the sit, they were not mine. It has also happened to me to speak to someone on the phone and land up in the same mood they were in or with a bad headache just as the one they had. Imagine you feeling either very attracted (or repelled) by someone who you do know you do not have any particular feelings for? It probably is not yours, you might just be picking up the other persons feelings.
Until you learn to identify that these are probably not your feelings or your “pains” it can cause a lot of confusion and unnecessary suffering.
In my next article we will discuss “what to do” in these instances
Love & Light