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"The intuitive voice is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant but has forgotten the gift."
--Albert Einstein
I am sure that we can all appreciate the wisdom in these words. Maybe we should just ponder how often we ignore our intuition in favor of logic every day, and by doing that, how often we make the wrong choices too…
Love & Light
Let's celebrate Autumn's arrival with the following meditation:
Sit or lie confortably and close your eyes.
Gently breathe out any tension and withdraw your attention into yourself. Take as long as you need to become relaxed.
When you are ready, picture yourself walking down a flowery green valley.A path will take you to the heart of the valley.
At the heart of the valley there is a clearing. At its centre an old hut.
As you reach the hut a voice will bid you enter. Before you sits an old crone. Her bright eyes miss nothing, she can see into your heart. But she looks with compassion. She too has made this passage, she too has lived her life with great joy and pain.
Spend time with her, ask her to share her wisdom and her experience; learn from her how to reconcile the paradox of opposites; ask her to take you within yourself to the place where your knowing resides.
When you are ready to leave, thank her and ask her to be accessible to you whenever you need her.
Then leave the hut and make your way back up the path through the valley, returning to your starting point.
Take deeper breaths and gently return your awareness to the room. Take time to adjust and when you are ready open your eyes. Place your feet firmly on the floor and breathe deeply. If you wish, write down your experience.
Sit or lie confortably and close your eyes.
Gently breathe out any tension and withdraw your attention into yourself. Take as long as you need to become relaxed.
When you are ready, picture yourself walking down a flowery green valley.A path will take you to the heart of the valley.
At the heart of the valley there is a clearing. At its centre an old hut.
As you reach the hut a voice will bid you enter. Before you sits an old crone. Her bright eyes miss nothing, she can see into your heart. But she looks with compassion. She too has made this passage, she too has lived her life with great joy and pain.
Spend time with her, ask her to share her wisdom and her experience; learn from her how to reconcile the paradox of opposites; ask her to take you within yourself to the place where your knowing resides.
When you are ready to leave, thank her and ask her to be accessible to you whenever you need her.
Then leave the hut and make your way back up the path through the valley, returning to your starting point.
Take deeper breaths and gently return your awareness to the room. Take time to adjust and when you are ready open your eyes. Place your feet firmly on the floor and breathe deeply. If you wish, write down your experience.
Life is supposed to be fun. You said, "I'll go forth and choose. I'll look at the
data, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this; and I'll paint a picture of the things that I want, and I'll vibrate about them because that's what I'm giving my attention to. And the Universe will respond to my vibration. And then I'll stand in a new place where a whole new batch of yeses are available, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this." You did not say, "I'll go forth and struggle into joy," because from your Nonphysical Perspective you know it is vibrationally not possible. You cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come. -- Abraham-Hicks
Love & Light
Dear Saint António
Our beloved patron
Could you ever imagine, if you may
That Portuguese folk
Would celebrate you one day
By grilling and eating the little fish
To whom you did preach
And teach
And they lovingly, each
Unlike Man
Enjoyed and listened
For those who might not know, St. António is the Saint Patron of Lisbon, capital of Portugal. His day is the 13th of June and he is revered for his miracles. The very old story goes that once when he was preaching, people started leaving one by one until he found himself alone. He didn’t give up, he decided to go to the sea and started preaching to the waves, at once he was surrounded by hundreds of little fish who stuck their heads outside the water to listen to his teachings in delight.
Ironic, to say the least...these days people celebrate St. Antonio with lots of street parties where they grill fresh sardines in the coals to eat all night long...
Love & Light
As requested by one of our readers, I am sharing with you, with great pleasure, another enlightening conversation with my dear and very wise friend the Rabbi:
We feel that our life here on earth is the real thing, we refer to it as the “solid reality”, and we often think of the spiritual world perhaps beyond illusion…
Well, his answer to this was as pragmatic and profound as usual :
Think of a stamp. Then think of the print or image you get when you stamp a piece o paper with it.
Now look at both and let me tell you, this eart plane where we are now living this life corresponds to nothing else but the image printed by the stamp on the paper, like a reflection from a mirror, an illusion, a copy.
The “solid reality”, the source and the mould from where it all originates, the only thing that really exists and therefore the only one that is real…is the stamp!
I don’t think this needs any further comments!
Love & Light

I was doing a reading when this question came up, and I felt it to be of some interest to all of us.
How should we manage our lives in accordance to the resources available to us?
On a quick analysis the options seem to be:
1- Either we live it up today as if there is no tomorrow
2- Or, we do not allow ourselves to enjoy life today at all in order to save for tomorrow
Following this line of thought, one of the many conversations I had the privilege of having with a Jewish Rabi many years ago came to mind…in his very profound and pragmatic wisdom he once told me: always strive to achieve equilibrium and in order to do that one has to take the middle path in life. It is the most sensible, often the hardest, but the only one that leads to virtue and well being. Apply this in any circumstances in your life and you can not go wrong.
Well, I think it is rather pertinent to the matter in hand.
Let’s see: If we utilize all our resources today, we may have a ball, granted, but tomorrow can become a hack of a headache…it sure is a totally irresponsible attitude.
On the other hand, if we deny ourselves all pleasure today because we have to save for tomorrow, and by some twist of fate we do not make it to tomorrow, well…we never really lived today or tomorrow…
The conclusion seems to be: live today, enjoy life by spoiling yourself a little (not going the whole hog…) and simultaneously put a little aside for tomorrow.
I know that in this economic climate, it is no mean feat, but who has ever said that lessons are easy?
Love & Light
We often create very high expectations of others.
Why should we expect them to act or react according to a pattern which we idealized for them, and invariably get disappointed when they do not?
Can we conclude that it was their responsibility to meet our expectations and by not fulfilling that responsibility they are a disappointment to us?
Or, should we rather consider the possibility that we were under the illusion that this person or persons could complete us and make us happy, thus we created unrealistic expectations in relation to them?
Yes, that is more like it. This is a tendency inherent to us human beings, complex as we are, whenever we feel unfullfilled or unrealized as an individual or in fact any emotional emptiness, we actually turn outside for stimuli, often to those closest to us.
We start expecting others to fill the void in us, we expect them to be the answer to some vague emptiness within ourselves, to something which although we find difficult to define we nevertheless feel we need…
It is known nowadays that if we stop to think, to look within, we are likely to come closer to understanding what is missing from our lives, from ourselves, and what can we do to find that “missing” part. It is not that others are disappointing; rather, it is our void which leads us to create expectations, to fabricate illusions and disillusions.
The answer could be as simple as start doing some volunteer work, as it can be enrolling in dance classes, or going bungee jumping…who knows, there are endless possibilities. We are all different but deep down there is creativity and joy in all of us which needs to be expressed. The more we express it the closer we move towards equilibrium, well being, and the kind of plenitude that does not require much expectation or emotional dependence from others.
I leave this with you for now.
Love & Light
No doubt we are free to choose how much we are prepared to help others, and up to what point do we feel fulfilled by giving. That should never be determined in accordance to how much others are capable of giving back…
Anytime we give we receive too, that is the deepest truth of all. That´s the law!
But, the Law only says that all energy returns to its original source, it does not specify in which way and through which channel…the Universe has many ways and multiple channels for returning it to us.
So, it often happens that someone we helped yesterday is not there for us today or when we most need them. We have all been there and most of us were shocked (to say the least) when faced with it. Slowly doubt starts creeping into our minds…
Well, there is no need to doubt, just know and be sure that all energy returns, whether positive or less positive, but it is also important to know that it does not always return via the person we expect it to.
Live your life in awareness, we are all showered with so many blessings which we, very often, hardly notice…
Love & Light
One way of identifying when this is happening to you, is by being aware of sudden changes in mood or well being, just as you have been in someone else’s company, or in areas where there are a lot of people.
Eg: were you feeling fine, met someone which you greeted with a handshake and suddenly you start feeling a sharp pain in your back? Or, were you in a great mood and all of a sudden, after you had coffee with a friend, you feel depressed?
What can we do in order to get rid of any of these feelings or sensations that are not yours?
I find the easiest way for me is, first to say at least three times, with purpose and determination: I refuse to feel or think any feelings or thoughts which are not mine, then I say a short prayer three times, in my own words, requesting that these feelings and thoughts be removed from my body and aura.
Do that, allow a few minutes to pass, and it will all be gone, trust me!
If the feelings persist, well…then, consider the possibility that you didn’t pick up anything from anybody else, they were yours in the first place!
Love & Light
If you are a sensitive (psychic), and most of us are, we tend to pick up other people’s feelings as we interact with them in the course of our daily lives.
The closer you feel to a person the bigger the probability that you will pick up what they are feeling, also if someone is directing their thoughts or emotions at you, or if you are a very empathetic person who likes helping others, you are very likely to feel what they are feeling.
It has happened to me to catch a bus and as I sat down I started feeling angry and agitated. I became aware that these were feelings belonging to the person who had just vacated the sit, they were not mine. It has also happened to me to speak to someone on the phone and land up in the same mood they were in or with a bad headache just as the one they had. Imagine you feeling either very attracted (or repelled) by someone who you do know you do not have any particular feelings for? It probably is not yours, you might just be picking up the other persons feelings.Until you learn to identify that these are probably not your feelings or your “pains” it can cause a lot of confusion and unnecessary suffering.
In my next article we will discuss “what to do” in these instances
Love & Light
One can practice this technique at night just before going to sleep, and in the morning on waking up.
Lie on your back and gently lay your palms on your stomach. Start breathing in slowly and deeply and feel how your stomach expands as you breathe. Now, breath out also slowly and deeply, feeling how your stomach contracts as the air exits.
Keep doing this for at least five minutes (or more if you so choose), always breathing slowly, deeply and with intention, taking each breath with purpose and power.
While you do this imagine that the air you breathe out is dark and contains all your traumas, fears, sicknesses, hurts, anything you need to get rid of.
When you breathe in, the air is fresh, nurturing, shiny and bright:
Red – Vitality, Strength
Yellow – Prosperity, Abundance, Wisdom
Orange – Creativity, Joy, Concentration, Sensuality
Green – Healing, Balance
Blue (turquoise) – Peace, Communication
Blue (Indigo) – Intuition, Clairvoyance
Violet – Protection, Serenity, Spirituality
Rose – Unconditional Love, Self love, Harmony
One should use this technique for 21 consecutive days at the time
:: Conceição Trucom ::
I decided years ago that this was a waste of my time as I think these yearly resolutions belong to the same category as the diets which start on a Monday and invariably finish on Tuesday.
It is great to remain positive and optimistic but I feel one must also be realistic and I honestly do not conclude this merely according to my personal experience, I have yet to meet one person who tells me that they did stick to their New Year resolution and that they were successful…
So, at the risk of alienating some of you, I believe we must live one day at the time, make our resolutions short term, as we go along, and try our best to overcome our lessons on a “here and now” basis, knowing that some we accomplish others we might not, but we can always try again the next day…
Love & Light
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