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1. If you have a Wish List from last month, read it over, to see which came true- then thank the Universe. If it's clear one or two wishes are no closer to coming true, consider revising them. What on your list have you edged closer to?
2. Decide on your Top Ten Wishes or Intentions for the coming four weeks.
3. Be as specific, (and please include World Peace!)
4. Write them down - either on a sheet of paper with a pen, or with coloured pens, pencils and so on. The more energy you invest, the better your results are likely to be.
5. Read them out to the Universe then either bury or burn your list, or set it aside so you can check it this time next month, to see how your wishes worked out.
THIS IS THE CRUCIAL BIT: Really really FEEL how you would/will feel if and when the wishes come true. Hold those feelings.
6. Get on with your week, safe in the knowledge that you've expressed your wishes to the Universe. Do all you can to make them come true.
7. Important: If you wish and wish and wish and your wish doesn't come true and you don't actually even seem to be edging in the right direction, then it's time to contemplate if it's the right thing for you.
-Yasmin Boland-
Herewith the dates of the coming New Moons till the end of 2010 (Northern Hemisphere) (dd/mm)
15/03 – 14/04 – 14/05 – 12/06 – 11/07 – 10/08 – 08/09 – 07/10 – 06/11 – 05/12
Good Luck
Love & Light
The Law of Attraction is said to be one of the cosmic laws governing us humans. It states that what we put out, we get back. Like attracts like. What we expect, turns up. So a negative attitude invites negative events. A positive one, positive events.
It actually says in the Bible (Matthew 21:22) “You can ask for anything, and if you believe you have it, it’s yours”. Long before I heard about The Law Of Attraction, I puzzled over this sentence. Now it all makes sense!
A New Moon wish harnesses this cosmic law. It focuses our intentions, which is the first step to making dreams come true. What’s more, we’re told that when it comes to the Law Of Attraction, it’s vital to focus on what we do want rather than what we don’t, and a New Moon wish list does that.
Remember, when we’re moaning and complaining about life, we’re focusing on what we don’t want – therefore according to the Law Of Attraction theory, the less we complain, the less we have to complain about!
From an astrological point of view, the New Moon is an ideal time to make a wish because the two luminaries – the Sun and Moon - are aligned.
A really important step in making your New Moon wish list is to check in with yourself to see how making the wish makes you feel. If you make the wish with a deep down feeling of defeat, as though you already know this wish is impossible, then you’re in serious trouble!
Your emotional reaction to making the wish shows you how likely it is to come true.
According to the Law of Attraction, if we fear something will never happen, it’s a lot less likely to happen. If you feel hopeful or even confident as you make your wish, your chances are great! And once you have made the wish? Trust that it will come to you, if it’s what’s best for you.
-Yasmin Boland-
Next week we will discuss how to make a New Moon wish
Love & Light
It actually says in the Bible (Matthew 21:22) “You can ask for anything, and if you believe you have it, it’s yours”. Long before I heard about The Law Of Attraction, I puzzled over this sentence. Now it all makes sense!
A New Moon wish harnesses this cosmic law. It focuses our intentions, which is the first step to making dreams come true. What’s more, we’re told that when it comes to the Law Of Attraction, it’s vital to focus on what we do want rather than what we don’t, and a New Moon wish list does that.
Remember, when we’re moaning and complaining about life, we’re focusing on what we don’t want – therefore according to the Law Of Attraction theory, the less we complain, the less we have to complain about!
From an astrological point of view, the New Moon is an ideal time to make a wish because the two luminaries – the Sun and Moon - are aligned.
A really important step in making your New Moon wish list is to check in with yourself to see how making the wish makes you feel. If you make the wish with a deep down feeling of defeat, as though you already know this wish is impossible, then you’re in serious trouble!
Your emotional reaction to making the wish shows you how likely it is to come true.
According to the Law of Attraction, if we fear something will never happen, it’s a lot less likely to happen. If you feel hopeful or even confident as you make your wish, your chances are great! And once you have made the wish? Trust that it will come to you, if it’s what’s best for you.
-Yasmin Boland-
Next week we will discuss how to make a New Moon wish
Love & Light
To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,
And dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.
—William Shakespeare , Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5
Love & Light
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,
And dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.
—William Shakespeare , Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5
Love & Light
Why so much importance around laughter? Because it is scientifically proven to be the best weapon you have (always at hand and at no cost at all!) against STRESS! We'll be back to STRESS in the next article.
And back to laughter, "laughter is the best medicine" without a doubt, for example, it stimulates the thymus gland (located in the center of the chest) responsible for the good health of the immune system.
In addition, if you laugh often you become more positive and able to face your problems with lightness.
Laughter helps the heart and energizes the whole body, because when you laugh your breathing becomes deeper, oxygenating the circulatory and respiratory systems in a much better way.
I could go on ... but I think by now you are convinced that laughter is FANTASTIC and NECESSARY!
Therefore, with the Carnival at the door, invite some friends, go dancing and ... LAUGHING!
And I'll do the same!
Next article: Stress: Friend Or Enemy?
This is a little poem I wrote inspired by Luisa´s advice
Dear Lord what shall we do?
Panic takes over
The heart beats fast
Blood rushing
Head pounding
Where can one run to?
Dear Lord what shall we do?
And as He lovingly smiles
His answer promptly arrives
My beloved children
Just laugh and laugh
And it will all come to naught
Dear Lord what shall we do?
Panic takes over
The heart beats fast
Blood rushing
Head pounding
Where can one run to?
Dear Lord what shall we do?
And as He lovingly smiles
His answer promptly arrives
My beloved children
Just laugh and laugh
And it will all come to naught
Love & Light
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