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How do we unconsciously create and build emotional patterns?
Unfortunately it is easy, much easier than getting rid of them. Most are rather old and brought forward from previous lives. In the current life they are triggered by experiences which were planned to happen for that exact purpose, mostly during childhood, in order to enable us to identify and dismantle them.
Let’s suppose that in a previous life, Johnny was abandoned by his parents. To survive the emotional pain and in order to protect himself from feeling abandoned ever again John grows up unconsciously avoiding getting emotionally involved in his relationships.
One way for John to resolve this situation is to be born in circumstances which will trigger this pattern (eg. his parents might die when he is a little boy…). When John, the man, finds that, repeatedly, none of his relationships are working out, he is also likely to realize that he needs to deal with this matter if he ever wants to have a healthy and happy relationship.
There are many different types of patterns, they were all very useful at the time we created them, but once they are over the “use by date”, they become an awful burden.
This is where psychological Astrology is a most valuable instrument, as it enables us to identify and understand these unconscious self defence behaviour patterns, giving us the possibility of doing the necessary inner work to get rid of them and thus achieve personal success.
Love & Light



Some say that laugh is the best medicine.
Some say that laugh is the antidote for sin.

Some say that laugh is a waste of time.
I tell them that laugh is absolutely divine.

In this planet ther are too many serious pelople
That simply can't understand the Cosmic Game.

And some live their lives looking desperately for
what they call the cosmic truth.

But I heard a joke in heaven:
Laugh is the Truth
And Love is the Fun.

Read this poem everyday during the next week and smile until it turns into laugh!
Try it, is a very liberating experience.

Luísa Barreira



What do we call Emotional Patterns?
We call emotional pattern to an emotional “habit” we created in order to protect ourselves or even survive during adverse or painful circumstances. Unfortunately once created, it unconsciously becomes part of us, part of our emotional luggage, and we tend to react accordingly, long past the time it was useful. It stops being an asset and becomes a liability.
We sometimes ask ourselves: Why on earth does this keep happening to me? And why on earth do I always react the same way when this happens? Why do I keep making the same mistake?
When you start asking those questions, just know that you are in the presence of one of your patterns, it is staring you in the face. We all have them, but it might take sometime until we notice; only when confronted repeatedly with the same difficulty does the bell start ringing.
It is at this stage that we become ripe to identify, own and work through these old habits.
Becoming aware and understanding our patterns is halfway to dismantling them.
We will continue on our next article to discuss how do they come about.
Love & Light



After choosing an affirmation, that often includes more then one, begin to repeat it with enthusiasm.

After a few days your enthusiasm seems to fade and ideas like I’m not capable of this or that because of this or that may emerge!
Well, write all the objections you have without changing them. They give us valuable information as they translate our fears which prevent the desired success expressed in our affirmation. Exactly! You may not believe, but these obstacles come directly from our unconscious and are very powerful.
The good news is when we get to know them this is the first step to overcome them... successfully!
Be positive and at the same time honest with yourself: how can you overcome the difficulties you impose to yourself? What strengths do you have to defeat them? Find them because you have all your solutions inside you.
So write what you found on the same sheet of paper where you wrote your objections.
And it’s time to tear the sheet of paper!
Do so everyday until there are no objections left without solutions to overcome them.
Who wants to share with me an affirmation you chose ?
In the meanwhile be happy and laugh (when was the last time you laughed heartily?)

Luísa Barreira

Next article: Let's Learn How To Laugh



The Zodiac Wheel is divided in twelve houses corresponding to the twelve sun signs.
If we think about it, they are always the same houses, the same signs and generally the same planets…(except when new planets are discovered,lol)
The conclusion is rather obvious, all human beings are born with the same seeds, what differentiates them is how and what seeds each one nurtures and grows. Free will!
Everyone is born with the seed of love as well as the seed of hatred, and so on, and on. Astrology advocates reincarnation, and as such, when we are born into the present life we already bring with us many of the seeds we grew in past lives. Some have become beautiful and lovely scented plants or flowers while others are now real weeds.
These weeds are found in all of us without exception, we must kid not ourselves!
By observing the location and the interplay of the planets in the various houses and signs we can establish where the flowers and weeds have taken root, how and in which area they affect our daily lives, and also how to stimulate the flower growth while at the same time getting rid of the biggest possible amount of weeds.
To explore one’s Natal Chart with the intention of learning and growing is an amazing experience.
Any questions you would like to make?
Love & Light



First step - write down a list of positive affirmations you think apllies to you.
You can find good examples of affirmations at page 47 of Louise L. Hay's book already mentioned.

Second step - Choose 1 to 3 affirmations and wrtie them on coloured post-its and place them in places you can see easily.

Then repeat them loudly 3 times each, when you get up, before going to sleep and at any other occasion you feel like saying them.

Last step - put a sample of these affirmations in your success file.

Believe me, this is a very powerful exercise. Repeat it for at least 30 days.

Next article: Find Out How You Block Your Affirmations

Luisa Barreira



“Man know thyself” - Sócrates

How does a Natal Chart work?
One can’t mention too often the principle “as above so below”. If we take a picture of the sky at the exact time a person is born, we obtain a map of the inner realm of that person. Now, imagine you buy a map of a city which you have never been before. You can detect and follow the streets, gardens, bridges etc. But the subtle details, those are known only to those who live there. Example, from the map you can not tell if there is grass or trees, if there are tall buildings or little houses, etc.
So, an Astrologer can easily identify the major points of interest, but it is advisable to have the person involved contribute to achieve best results.
The results one pretends are to lead each person to a deeper awareness of its own capabilities and difficulties, thus helping one to take better advantage of its gifts, and at the same time learn how to deal with its own areas of stress. This is an invaluable tool for self knowledge, helping and guiding one on its path to evolution and to personal success.
It is worth noting that there are many people born at the same time, yet, we are all different….check my next article to find out how and why.
Love & Light